Monday, September 18, 2017

What I love about Us

It is no secret by now that I am quite in love with my dear Hunter.
This is a collection of thoughts about why.

Sitting on the couch with him on the weekends says a lot about who we are individually, and who we are as a couple.  We both bring many words to the table.  I can talk for hours about culture and art, music and theatre and why I hate Hamilton.  I talk all day long at work, and when I'm not talking.  Hunter talks all day at his teaching job.  He gives out historical gems like candy.  He shapes young minds, and you can't shut him up when he goes on a rant about politics.
But when we sit together on the couch, watching a movie on a is peaceful.  My feet are usually on his lap.  Jackie is usually on my lap.  And some art movie made 70 years ago is on the TV.  He occasionally says something about what's going on, and I'm on the computer looking at pictures of castles.  But we are a couple.  We are together.  We are content.  We aren't 100% engaged at all moments, and that's how we like it.  We are introverts, together.

Sitting next to him in church:
We are two small people in a sea of Catholics.  He says the responses in his masculine voice while I squeak out the wrong responses in mine.  (Being in the Ordinariate is hard.)  I feel so connected and supported, but he doesn't demand attention or take any attention off Jesus.  We are just Catholics, together.  We are fellow sinners, fellow learners, and fellow beggars at the feet of Jesus.  I feel so feminine next to him, in my veil.  And he says it moves his heart to see me wear my veil.  It highlights our essential differences.  Very God.  Very us.

Sometimes when we are driving, I settle down into his shoulder, and close my eyes.  I've never once been worried that he won't take care of me.  I listen to his podcasts and 70s rock music.  Sometimes I don't pay attention and play on my phone.  But I'm always with him, and we are at peace.  On Sundays he even plays peaceful music for me because I like it.

When he laughs, he does a funny thing with his shirt.  I really like this.  It delights me.

He likes his coffee black and I load up mine with Splenda and Heavy Cream.  He remembers to keep his place stocked with both.

He listened to my sad stories about someone who made me cry.
He listened to my stories while I was crying.
He listened to me crying.
And he has never, not even once, made me cry.

He thinks mascara looks best on my eyelids and not streaming down my cheeks.

I enjoy dressing up with him.  He is so handsome, no matter what he wears, from his gym clothes to his coat and tie at church.  I love being next to someone who cares for his appearance and tries very hard to look nice with me.  It makes me want to be more beautiful for him.

My heart blossoms when he is in my life.  He allows me to be myself, but encourages health and growth.  This feels amazing.

Hunter has an amazing laugh.

He goes to the gym with me, to classes, and has even taken my barre class at the gym as the only guy there.  That is love.

He prays with me every single day.  He reminds me if I forget.
Before we dated he had never prayed with anyone in his life.
But he started doing it because I wanted to, and it wasn't weird or awkward or forced.  It just happened, and it was beautiful and it has grown into such a strong part of our relationship.

He listens to me and shares most of my opinions.  He agrees with me to the point where I get mad and hope he'll disagree with me on something because I feel he's just going along with what I say.  He swears he isn't.

He takes charge when he needs to.  I need him to, sometimes.

He is my boyfriend.
I am so blessed.
I could never have thought to pray for someone so great.

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