Friday, September 22, 2017

The magical world of fall

For so many people (including myself!), fall is the perfect time of year.  We idealize it, dream about it, wait for it, and in Texas, we silently curse when it gets here and it's still upwards of 90 degrees outside.

Today is the first day of fall, and while it is still much too hot, I wanted to take a few moments and reflect on how great this season is.  Fall is the time when we start the downward rush toward the year's end.  Days become a bit shorter, which is why I think we get a bit more introspective.  All those extra minutes in the dark mean more processing time, warmer clothes, and a welcome change in the landscape.  Colors go from bright to rich, and our clothes go from sassy to cozy.  We dream of cuddling on the loveseat by fires, watching Friday night football games, donning scarves and boots, and the invigorating brought by crisp, cool air.

I am so thankful that God gave us seasons.  Each is enjoyable, and each has its challenges.  As soon as we savor the delights, there seems to be little "foxes" which creep up and try to gnaw away at our joy.  How can we overcome the challenges of life? 

Remember who you belong to!
If you are a Christian, you are a beloved of Christ.  He paid for your sins with his Precious Blood.  Each coming season is a love letter...a gift he lavishes on you.  And each problem or challenge reminds us that there is more to come.  He isn't giving it all to you now.  Just like it's officially fall, but I have to wait for the cooler weather - Heaven will be full of joys that your heart just could take right now.  Wait for it!

God is with you every step of the way.
You are not alone.
The beauty of this season reminds us that he loves us, not in word only, but in deed.

He has lavished himself upon you.
I read somewhere recently a little saying:

"fall reminds us how beautiful it is to let go" 

Just like the trees letting go of their summer leaves, don't be afraid to let go of worries about the future.  Enjoy this season while its here.  There will be a Spring.

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