Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Indian Style

When we sit Indian Style, with legs crossed, we should say "Indian Style".

It honors the Indians, who sit this way in the Lotus position.

Saying "Criss Cross Applesauce!" is dumb, and dumbs down everything for kids.  Kids are smart.  We can teach them about culture without dumbing down, or worrying about PC nonsense. 

Did you know that Polish and Romanian people say "Turkish Style" for crossed legs? 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The perks of not living with your boyfriend

It amazes me how many people assume that I will move in with my boyfriend.  I know I'm pretty backwards and old fashioned, but does everyone do that, nowadays?  I will not.  Sex and cohabitation are for marriage, and marriage alone.  As uncool as that makes me, that's what I'm doing.

Here are some perks of NOT living with my boyfriend.  On my 45 minute drive home, I get to see some nice Dallas skyline, which looked lovely in the rain, tonight.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Improvement past Calvinism

I am wanting to write something every day this month.  October is my birth month, and in my opinion, the most magical month there it.  It has fall, Halloween, Columbus Day, and just has a feeling to it.  We think of pumpkins, baked goods, hay rides, crisp nights, and ghosts.  I love it.

It is also leading up to the 500th anniversary of the tragedy that was the Protestant Reformation.  I used to be all about the Reformation, when I was a Calvinist.  But now I see how one huge crack led to more cracks, and is now tens of thousands of splinters in the body of Christ.  It is so sad!  We long for the church to reunite in love and peace.  It is what we need.  Someday.

I have been thinking this week about improvement and healing.  I know I write about healing quite often, but it bowls me over to see such things going on in my life.  It was almost as if until this past 2 years, my belief in God's power was an intellectual exercise.  It was as if we had to be not bad for our lives to be in order.  People who screwed up their lives with sin and foolishness were pretty much doomed to the fruit of their labours, and their bad choices would haunt them forever.  God's forgiveness was almost an begrudging "yes, I'll save you...but only just as much as it takes to not go to hell".  But their grossness would follow them around the rest of their lives.

I am currently sifting through trying to understand where my negative, judgmental view of God came from.  I think I know where.  But it's pervasive and very hard to put down!  Even though I knew God loved me, it was as if he did so reluctantly, and was so disgusted with the choices I'd made that he gave me grace in order to stand me.  That was Calvinism to me.  I was disgusting, and God deigned to love me. 

I never saw any improvement in my life or self.  My heart was longing for God...I loved Him, and I wanted Him.  But I was so stuck in sin and negative thinking.  I had these bad, sinful habits that I could not kick.  My depression closed in around me.  It was so hard for me to see any other way. 

It's hard even now to see such amazing changes in my heart and not wonder why it took so long.  I wish I could have cast off this sadness long ago, but God gave it to me now.  And now, I will rejoice in it.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Love in October

It is love, and it is played like a cello in the fall air
Sung like a choir at the very top of a sacred spire
And felt, in my heart; in my arms
Not in having, but in the lack of longing
Not thinking on faraway places my feet could walk.
It is not the familiar tempest of thrill
The storm that carried us out to sea one day
To ride the waves of passion and fire
But in a calm, still glance
Lights dotting a safe habor
And in your welcoming voice
And a soft place called home.