Saturday, February 11, 2017

Still fighting it

It's amazing what depression can do.
I have been depressed off and on, for probably most of my life.  Not in a bad, chronic way that totally disrupts everything.  That's happened a few times and it was awful.

No, this is a low-key, subtle thing.  It creeps slowly, along the ground like a poison.  Almost invisible, it climbs up and gets into things, my thoughts, my energy, my words, and eventually my heart.  It is nasty.  I don't like it.  Yet it's always there like an unwelcomed guest.

What can a Christian do about depression?
We are Christ-followers.  We are His.  I suppose a hundred angels fight for us on so many levels.  They do mighty things against our great enemy who so desperately wants our soul and to steal us away from our Dear Shepherd.  Maybe we can put out a little effort, too.  Depression weakens us.  It makes it harder for us to call out to Jesus.  It lies to us, tells us we are alone.  Tells us we will fail.  Tells us there is nothing we can do.  Makes it seem helpless when we try to do good.

Our number one help is prayer.
We are told over and over in scripture to pray.  To call out to God in our loneliness and weakness.  To ask Him.  This is so hard when we are depressed.  But maybe we should do it.  Maybe we should try.  Maybe He'll come through.  He has to. We are His.

Diet and exercise help me immensely.  If you can force yourself to drink a glass of water and get out and take a walk in the sunshine, do it!  I have never once regretted doing a workout after I was finished.  (During it...yes!)

Scripture is so good and filling.  The Psalms are full of hope.  Here are some of my favorites:

Psalm 84
Psalm 121
Psalm 37
Psalm 139
Psalm 27

But they are all good.  There is hope there.  Try to find it.

Reach out to someone.  Have a friend in mind who brings you the sweetness and comfort of Jesus.  Who reminds you of Jesus.  Who brings Jesus to you.  Don't have anyone?  Pray now for Christian friends.  And BE that person to someone in the future.  We really need each other, guys.  Need someone to talk to?  Please reach out to me.  I am so far from perfect but I can pray and I do care.

I don't fully understand why depression besets me sometimes.  I have everything going for me right now.  I have a great mom, a nice living set up, a couple of great jobs. I have my health and my talent.  I am dating the best man in the entire world, and the future looks so good for us.  But still I am plagued by uncertainty.  That ever-present spiteful guest who is full of snide comments and little things which seek to unravel it all.  Why, Jesus?  Why?

Depression runs in my family.  My mom and grandmother suffered greatly.  I'm not sure about my dad's side, but I know mental illness is usually not an isolated family event.  I come by it naturally. God have mercy on me and make me wholly thine in body and spirit.

One day at a time.

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