Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Processing Feelings

To my blogger friends, I have a question.
When I was younger and blogging was a 'thing', I would often, almost daily process my feelings through blogging.  I'd ask open-ended questions and get great feedback through comments, etc.  I really miss that.  I'm not sure if it was mature or not to publish things without having an opinion or having come down on the finer points of discussion.  But it really seemed to help me.  Having a blogging community really helped my life (I'm pointing the finger at you right now, Xanga team, who ran the site into the ground!)  I miss it.

I'm trying to re-establish that here on this blog and it's proved difficult.

So my question is this:
If you are a blogger, do you mostly post things about how your life is going (Here's our trip with our beautiful family to the Arboretum and the magazine-perfect pie I baked afterwards and my 5 angelic children eating it)  ?

Or do you blog about politics?  Or thoughts you have?  Or crafts?  Or comic books?

If you are a blogger, and you read this, PLEASE leave me a comment so I can connect with you.  I need a blogging community!  Even if you aren't on Blogger (all my Wordpressers, I'm there too! )



  1. I don't blog much anymore. I used to blog about whatever came to mind. I know that the more successful bloggers tend to focus their blogs on one or a few subjects, and I was never able to pull that off. I now blog in a less personal manner due to being burned toward the end of my Xanga time. But I am happy to read the blogs of my friends that I am still connected to.

    1. Thanks a lot for your comment! Have you found more bloggers you enjoy reading, and where did you find them?

    2. Not really- since I haven't been blogging as much myself, I haven't been reading as much. I've lost touch. Perhaps that is something I need to work on getting back. More patience with long form, personal writing.

  2. It's all about centralization. Blogs today have been replaced by social media. Blogging is dressed-up status updates for most people. For most people, it's tidier and easier to have them aggregated to a handful of sites - Facebook/Twitter/Instagram. For most people! I know your sensibilities are a more ornate than most, which is I think why blogging seems a lot better. It's cleaner, clearer, more organized as a separate space of the internet in which you can express yourself precisely how you feel, include the exact content that matches your message, etc. It's a walled structure rather than the wall of noise known as Facebook.

    All of this to say, blogs these days that exist are mostly successfully monetized blogs that have a highly targeted demographics that they cater to and develop a readership for, supported not by other bloggers, but by readers that comment on the blog. I think that's the community structure that has emerged in the last 10 years or so. When you're asking about blogging friends, that may be something that is very difficult to cultivate for a casual blog these days.

    I adore your blog. It's another perspective on you. But I think if you're seeking social enrichment to help your life a la Xanga of olde, it might be lacking and more likely to disappoint. It's more suited to being (as you allude to above) a journaling tool.

    In Christ,

  3. I began blogging mainly as an outlet to things I found in the Church Fathers. I still do that, but the content is interspersed with other miscellaneous biblical and theological content as well. Plus I tend to get riled up about bad worship practices (music, sermon, etc.) and will supply an occasional rant.


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