Monday, September 26, 2016

The world has turned

This is the day that the world changed.

It happens every year, and I look forward to it with anticipation.  But it's not something that the weatherman can announce (or more accurately, the weather app I use to check the weather).  It has to be felt.  There is a golden day, a subtle thing where sunlight turns to shadow and Autumn is upon us.  It is felt by stepping outside.  Not just a cool in the air, but a change in the earth: a turn of sorts.  The world has turned.

It always has and always will.

Today was delicious.  I've been wrapped up: first in my duvet cover this morning as I awoke 30 minutes before my alarm, then in my work, then in morning prayer...and the best of all, in my Beloved's arms as he held me close in the blanket he brought to keep me warm on our picnic.  How could he know the world would be chilly for me?  How could he know the world would change, today?

There are many mysteries in the world.  Some I'm okay with just experiencing.  Fall brings those beautiful golden red mysteries forth and displays them with pride.  The world is changing.  I'm changing.  Jesus has me wrapped up, safely in His arms.  He's displaying me with pride close to His heart.  Let the world change: it is delicious and good and I am at peace.

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