Tuesday, September 27, 2016

One cell in the sea

Love is changing me.

The feeling of doing good - immeasurable good - is creeping around on my pillow at night, like a faint whisper of a far forgotten story.  When we pray, we do good.  When we eat a broccoli, we do good.  When we smile at a stranger, we do good.

We know these things are good.  We've been told, and we know.
But how?  Why?  Someone knows.  Someone knows about what happens in my cells when I drink water instead of whiskey.  Or when I exercise instead of sit and eat tacos.  Good things happen.  I can't see them, but they happen.  They are happening all the time, everywhere around me.

I have choices to make.  Who will I be?  Who will I become?

And all this love has been dropped on me like a pointless YouTube challenge video where one dumps ice water over one's head.  Yet, this isn't pointless.  I'm not sure where these forces are pulling from, but things are changing in my little world.

Love will change the world.
By the very simple act of love, you are changing the world.
You are SAVING the world
You won't see it, but it is happening.

When you smile at a stranger, you are imparting love.  Love that we so desperately need.  Love that we crave.  That will save us.  Jesus' love is so free and so available...please go hand it out to people?

And love works internally, like a medicine.  It's so slow.
It's like love can slowly, surely...like honey and molasses moving, change every atom of your being.  Love transforms souls.  You think you are loving someone else, loving a handsome firefighter, perhaps, who swaggered into your life, wrecking holy havoc on all the stupid pre-conceived lies you'd told yourself.
You *think* that you will go about loving this person, making him happy and hoping he'll smile once in a while because you wore nice shoes or your hair was pretty.

But nay, lassie.  All that love, Jesus (sneaky as ever) has held up as a mirror.  Give it away and it still hits you like radiation.  If you give one inch to that kind of sanctifying love, it will come back and slap you silly into a holy tizzy.  Next thing you know, you are marveling at things in your own heart you thought long-dead.  Gifts you didn't even ask for.  Things beyond your wildest dreams.  And all because of love.  All because of Jesus.  And all because you trusted Him enough to let go of the armfuls of dead, dried-up flowers and trust Him to give you something else.

I recommend trusting Jesus with your life.  And your love.  You won't see it, but it's so worth it.  I promise.  And I'm not into waiting and empty, far-off promises.  I cannot wait to see what Jesus has up his sleeves.

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