Sunday, August 14, 2022

Feelin' good on a Sunday Morning

 There is a magical window of time when the coffee kicks in...if the baby is sleeping at just the right window, and I get a little bit of time to just sit and vibe out with the caffeine high.  It is amazing.

Hunter is back to work now, after having had all summer with him to just play and enjoy the baby.  She is 12 weeks old now, and just perfect.  Seriously...she is a perfect baby.  I know most people think that, but my girl really is.  She slept for 6 hours in a row last night and I only woke her up because I heard evidence that she needed a diaper change and didn't want her to sit in poop all night.  She eats and goes right back to sleep in her bassinet.  Perfection.  

I have her birth story halfway typed up but I haven't posted it yet.  I still have this weird thing with posting pregnancy stuff...I'm sure it's from so many losses.  I hesitate to write it down.  But this is a GOOD birth story and needs to be heard!  I will finish it soon, I hope.  Now that I'm going to be a stay at home Mom, I will have more free time (in theory!).  I just need to use my time wisely.  There is a lot of clutter in my house that needs to go away, but I'd rather relax and just stare at the baby.  She's currently asleep next to me on a pillow.  

Here are some current pics of my marshmallow baby:

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