Tuesday, March 29, 2022

30 Week Update

 Hey blog! Long time, no update!

One weird thing about losing babies in the past is that it's taken away all of my desire to document my pregnancy and milestones.  Sorry about that!  I wish it wasn't so, but alas!

I am now 30 weeks pregnant!  I am huge.  Seriously, being this big is kind of *triggering*, if I dare to use such an annoyingly overused term.  I've fought my weight my whole life and now here it is, loud and proud.  I get that it's for a reason and that I can lose it later, but still.  It's very odd.  I bump into things and my back pretty much constantly hurts.  I find it frustrating to not be able to do things.  I realize how proud I am of my athletic ability because I now can't keep up.  So weird.

Because of my "geriatric" status, I'm going to have to start going in twice a week for Non-Stress Tests and an ultrasound every week (starting at 32 weeks).  And the doctor yesterday suggested that we might want to induce at 39 weeks just because of statistics and health of the baby.  Now, I've heard inductions take a long time, and that labor contractions are much more painful with inductions because of the Pitocin.  But I am not opposed to having all the good drugs with my labor.  

My momma was in labor for 3 hours with me, total.  She was a Lamaze instructor and totally believes that it's intensity, not pain, and that it's manageable without meds.  My whole life she's told me this.  But just the little slice of that type of pain that I've experienced through fertility treatments - I'm looking at you, HSG and hysteroscopy...shoving things into a tightly closed organ that does not want to be messed with - that kind of pain is incredibly intense.  I am fine with ALL the good drugs.  My hospital offers nitrous oxide for labor as well as the normal epidurals and things, and I think it's a good strategy to plan at this point.  

I just get so scared with the "risk of stillbirth" thrown around.  Please pray for my precious baby Charlotte and that her entrance into the world is grand and positive.  We've waited for her such a long time. 

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