Saturday, January 23, 2021

Pro-Life Shock Value and the Miscarrying Mom

 I have a unique perspective.  Maybe it's not really that unique, considering 1 in 4 women have a miscarriage at some point in their lives.  I've had 3 miscarriages, all in the span of one year, so the emotional impact of this hits me pretty hard, and I think that is understandable.  

I am Catholic and I am also 100% pro-life.  You would think those two things would be synonymous, but it is sadly something I must clarify due to current leadership who loudly wave the Catholic flag and yet fully support abortion.  But I digress.  

Around this time of year, there is much talk about supporting life, as the March For Life (was supposed to) happens at this time.  Lots of people do good things such as post their support for the unborn on social media, images of the unborn and the like.  It is good to support good things.  

But by golly it stings.  Seeing images of newborn babies, ultrasounds of the unborn, talking about making "the womb into a tomb" for those who have abortions, etc...freaking hurts.  It hurts my raw emotions.  My brain knows that my dead children are not the same as dead children lost to abortion.  But seeing those ultrasounds and all the macabre shock value pictures...yowza.  It's like a gut punch to someone who isn't your intended victim. 

I am a mother begging for God to give me just one child to hold.  Just one to somehow survive the horror house that is apparently my womb.  There are so many like me.  Please think twice before you hit send on that noble pro-life post that is meant to shock and shame those who support abortion.  There are silent ones who get caught in the cross fire.  

1 comment:

  1. You have evoked some thought from my end of things. I'd never thought of it in those terms before.


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