Thursday, August 16, 2018

Tidying up the new house

I'm sitting here, in my new (to me) comfy leather chair, typing on my super blazing fast internet, listening to the constant hum of the carpet cleaner's drone as he cleans up the previous owner's dog's pee out of our carpets.  We have a new house, and I'm so excited!  I can't wait to post pictures and show you! 

It's still getting tidied up, before we move big things in.  We have brought over kitchen stuff, boxes of books, and a few odds and ends, but the main furniture is still at our tiny duplex. 

I had *no idea* the vast amount of movies and vinyl albums my husband owned.  Um...I'm a little overwhelmed.  I'm searching for a way to store vinyl that doesn't look like IKEA-tier bachelor pad record storage.  Think:  long, pretty sideboard with cabinet doors.  Any ideas?   Please?  I'm desperate!

Just one of Hunter's movie shelves:

Let me emphasize again:  Just one
More pics to come!

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit I covet that movie collection just a bit...

    For the vinyl, I thought this was nice:

    You'd probably find some cool stuff on ebay:


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