Thursday, May 24, 2018

What I've Learned in my Month as a Wife

I hesitated to write this post, with this title.   I'm sure that any woman who has been married longer than me (and that's most people I know) will snicker at the nativity of this post.  But I realize that this is my reality, and it's just as real and good and important as me telling myself to not write at all because I have nothing new to offer the world.  I offer the world me, as a married woman, figuring this all out on my own!  So here it all my newlywed glory:  what I've learned in my first month as a wife.

I think a lot less about sex.

Let's jump right to the good stuff, shall we?  Our world is obsessed with sex.  It is everywhere.  Even in its hiddenness, it's there.  Its on every TV show, every time you look down at that phone in your hand.  In every song, every movie, every outfit, every thought and conversation and politician and award show.  Directly, indirectly...there it is.  And as a devotee of Jesus Christ, I waited to have sex till I was married.  That part is good, and it gets really freaky weird to say that when you are over 25.  But for some reason, I was able to muster my stubbornness and hold out.   As my fellow products of evangelical purity culture might be able to attest, we were pretty obsessed with sex in our own way.  The "True Love Waits" culture was an obsession with not having sex, and in essence, put sex on a pedestal so it became this odd, larger than life monster under the bed.  I have plenty more to say about this, but for now, I'll just say this:  once a married person is having a regular, healthy, stable sex life, things are totally different.  Sex isn't salacious or hidden or on a pedestal.  It just is.  We just are.  Our marriage is.  It feels so nice to relax and not obsess about it.  Sex before marriage is a big deal, and sex in marriage is a big deal, but for totally different reasons.  I am so happy to be freed from the anxiety caused by years of unhealthy ideas about sex brought about by a system with good intentions, but a failure to capture the vast importance of the whole person in its warnings.  Sex is marriage is good, y'all.  And bonus points if open to life.

I think a lot more about dinner.

Whoa!  Before getting married, dinner was about how many calories I could have vs. what I wanted.  And when I could eat, what I had to do after, and how much time I had.  I have three jobs and spent most of my life driving between them, and then dating my boyfriend and balancing all that with food.  Not anymore!  I totally get why people gain weight after their weddings!  (I am trying really, really hard to not do that).  Now I have all that to think about, plus what my husband can eat and what is his schedule, if he's staying late at work, if he will be home in time for the crock pot to cook, plus all the things I thought about before.  It's harder than it seems!  I have to admit that I haven't figured it out yet, but I'm having a really awesome time playing with all the awesome kitchen toys we got for our wedding gifts!  I have to admit that the first time I cooked him dinner, I melted one of the plates he had made as a child by cooking microwave bacon on it.  After getting over being horrified and newlywed tears for fear of hurting his feelings...we had a pretty good dinner!.

A woman's work is never done.

I don't care if it isn't feminist.  I have always wanted to take care of a husband.  So, right out of the box, I cheerfully put that big pile of laundry in the washing machine and meticulously folded it when dry, organized his sock drawers, separated by colours, and felt very proud of myself when it was all finished.  The towels were perfectly stacked in the newly organized linen closet (I even installed motion lights in there!) and the new dinner napkins were put away, and the bathroom counter spotless.

Fast forward 3 days - I have the shock of a kindergartener waking up from naptime when I realize I have to do all of this again.  There is a constant rotation of laundry, plates, cleaning, towels, etc...but I'm not in control of it.  You might be reading this and thinking I'm kind of slow to not know this.  That might be true, but as an only child, I have been in control of how quickly things get worn and cleaned, where towels end up, and that kind of thing.  It just takes a lot of getting used to being part of the cycle instead of the whole thing.  I envy and applaud women who keep wonderfully clean, cheery houses while doing this with a husband and 4 kids.  I have no idea how you do it!

Stability kills anxiety.

Over the past year and half I have realized that suffered from anxiety for as long as I can remember.  I would lie in bed and worry about past mistakes and situations instead of sleeping.  I got so anxious on math tests that I froze up and had to stay in from recess my entire 6th grade year because I was so behind.  Fear of messing up or being analyzed by a teacher or peer was crippling.  As I've gotten older, my anxiety has changed.  When I had a traumatic breakup before meeting Hunter, my anxiety became profound and nestled itself into my shoulders and neck, causing pain and tension that I felt 90% of my waking hours.  Being in a healthy and stable dating relationship helped this a lot.  Being engaged helped too, but wedding planning added it's own stresses.

Since the wedding, my anxiety is gone.  I have felt a twinge of it maybe one or two times, but nothing like I was all those months ago.  This won't necessarily be everyone's experience.  But adding stability to my life has brought so much healing and grace.  Part of the problem is that when we are damaged people, we tend to seek out other damaged people and the cycle continues.  I urge anyone who has trouble with anxiety, depression, or can't seem to get out of a chaotic existence to seek out therapy so that you can bring some stability to life.  It is so worth it!  God bless Hunter for being my rock all this time.

I am a baby wife...just a newlywed of one month!  I have so much to learn and I realize that it's going to take grace and love from both me and my darling husband to make this work.  But it's so good.  I love being married.  I love caring for him and putting away his shirts.  I love him.  I can't wait for marriage month 2!

We are going on our honeymoon to Italy in less than two weeks!  Let me know if you have any tips or ideas!  Thank you for reading!

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