Sunday, June 11, 2017

June promises

Just like a sweet June day,
coloured pink like the blushing brides June hides
Starting off sweet and well-sipped
with moonbeams and fireflies and porch swings

You hold my hand in this new world
Our new world
Where you and me, a smoky flavored lad
and me, whoever I am this month
Emerging slow and blinking in the sunlight, (Lazarus and myself)
3 months of zombie strips and musky death-like mourning
We've broken free

To you, my lad.  To you, and your arms
Trying in this silly world, blushing at the thought of
hope coming true
all things made new
a life of me and you
To you and your sparkling eyes
To see Jesus from a different angle
Try kneeling down once in awhile
And the cold light will fill your wearied head

With June days, sweet coloured hues
Songs in the twilight hours
whispers in the darkness
And enough starlight
To light the dusty road home.

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