Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Be an honest people

On my heart today: If you want your group to be taken seriously, with intellectual honesty and people discussing what you ACTUALLY said instead of some sound bite being taken out of context and used against you, then you MUST stand up for others when you see the same thing being done to them. I don't agree with Muslim theology, or LDS theology, or most Liberals, but it's not fair for me to take what they say and run with it so that it's not what they really mean. Going to the extreme with something isn't honest. I hope to stand up for honesty, even if I disagree with what is being said. It's so very hard in this day and age to find out what is actually happening in the world instead of what the reporters/pundits/Facebook Memes/blah blah blah want you to hear. Find the source before you hit SHARE. Read. Think. Pray. Maybe that article that says "POPE DECLARES THERE IS NO GOD!" might need some more research before you share it with your friends who might be more naive than you. Take a tip from Fox Mulder on the X-Files: The Truth Is Out There. Don't be lazy. Go find it.

Christians need to be the last honest people standing.  We have to fight for it.  It's not enough to sit back and look at cute drawings of Precious Moments with Bible verses printed on them. We live in a tough world that takes the truth and twists it, cuts it up, decorates it, dips it in glitter and then sells it to you for a hefty profit.  Don't let it happen.  

Be honest.  Demand honesty from others.  But be kind. 

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